How to Play Diatonic Button-Accordian Volume 1
How to Play Button Accordion * Volume One with CD by Henry Doktorski is unique, as every other button-method does not recognize that the button-accordion is a transposing instrument and all its music can be written in the key of "C." There are button-accordions in almost every key including C, G, D, F & Bb. The one-row button-accordion is a transposing instrument, so a player only needs to learn the fingering & notes for the C major scale. In order to play in another key, you would need another instrument tuned to that desired key. This greatly simplifies learning the instrument and allows the student to make rapid progress. Note reading is also not necessary to learn how to play the button-box. Indeed some of the greatest button-accordionists only play by ear. Like great jazz performers, this in no way detracts from their ability to create exciting and beautiful music. Nonetheless, a method book needs some kind of music notation. This book uses the solfege method; assigning the syllables do, re, mi, fa, sol, la and ti to the seven notes of the major scale. In 1965 the syllables do, re, mi, fa, sol, la and ti were immortalized in...