GIA Publications Habits Of A Successful Beginner Band Musician Book - Flute
Introduces the keys of concert B-flat, E-flat, A-flat, C, F, and G Initial mouthpiece exercises before playing the first notes in the book Shaded boxes around "first-time challenges" throughout the book Rhythm vocabulary that covers quarters, eighths, dotted rhythms, sixteenths, and 1 eighth and 2 sixteenths Features left (L) and right (R) hand indicators for woodwinds Access to Habits Universal, an online component with video resources, accompaniment tracks, and a backend grade book


  • Introduces the keys of concert B-flat, E-flat, A-flat, C, F, and G
  • Initial mouthpiece exercises before playing the first notes in the book
  • Shaded boxes around "first-time challenges" throughout the book
  • Rhythm vocabulary that covers quarters, eighths, dotted rhythms, sixteenths, and 1 eighth and 2 sixteenths
  • Features left (L) and right (R) hand indicators for woodwinds
  • Access to Habits Universal, an online component with video resources, accompaniment tracks, and a backend grade book