Composed by Larry McCabe. This edition: Paperback. Instructional. Method. Book & CD. With Text Language: English. 48 pages. Published by Santorella Publications (SP.TS263).
Item Number: SP.TS263
ISBN 9781585600779.
How To Play Fiddle written by Larry McCabe and published by Santorella Publications is truly the "#1 fiddle method in print for beginners of all ages." It is the perfect book for all fiddle players which features easy "one step at a time" progressive instruction. This best-selling fiddle method includes helpful diagrams, historical photographs, assorted workshops and an instructional CD to help your study move along at a rapid pace. Enjoy teaching yourself a great assortment of familiar fiddle tunes and get to see a rarely seen archived photo of the great "Fiddlin' John Carson". This simple step-by-step "no-nonsense" approach from Santorella Publications will have you playing songs like these in no time. Alligator on the Bayou - Be Thou My Vision - Boil Them Cabbage Down - Buffalo Gals - Camptown Races - Carry Me back Old Virginny - Cripple Creek - Down in the Valley - European Waltz - Fair Eleanor - Faith of Our Fathers - French Fiddler - Good Night, Ladies - Hawaiian Waltz - I Know Where I'm Going - John Hardy - Lavender Blue - Liza Jane - Louisville Waltz - Old Joe Clark - Old Macdonald - Rhody's Breakdown - Rudy's Favorite Waltz - Sally Ann - Scarborough Fair - Sweet Betsy from Pike - Twinkle, Twinkle INTRODUCTION by the author, Mr. Larry McCabe "He could fiddle all the bugs off a sweet-potato vine." Stephen Vincent Benet (1898-1943) - The Mountain Whippoorwill, 1923 "There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle." Robert Browning (1812-1889) - Red Cotton Night-Cap Country, 1873 "Had I learned to fiddle, I should have done nothing else." Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) "God hath given some men wisdom and understanding, and to others the art of playing the fiddle." Robert Southey (1774 - 1843) - The Doctor, 1812 "He was a fiddler, and consequently a rogue." Jonathon Swift (1667-1745) - Letter to Stella, July 25, 1711 "We consider that the man who can fiddle all through on one of those Virginia reels without losing his grip, may be depended on in any kind of emergency." Mark Twain (1835-1910) - Letter to Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, January 1863 Q: What's the difference between the violin and fiddle? A: It's fun to play the fiddle. Fiddle Joke, author unknown As the above quotes amply demonstrate, the fiddle and its magic sound has inspired countless and varied musings through the ages-from both the famous and the forgotten. Perhaps more than any other instrument, the fiddle excites the emotions, sets the feet in motion, and calls forth unforgettable images of good people and good times.
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